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The Cora di Brazzà Foundation engages in a number of different initiatives, each focused on a different aspect of Peace History. The current initiatives include:

The Bertha von Suttner Project (promoting understanding of the life and legacy of Bertha von Suttner). The annual Master Class is organized under the auspices of the Bertha von Suttner Project

Pro Concordia Labor (promoting understanding of the International Peace Flag of 1897 and of Cora di Brazzà's system of Peace Education)

Forward Into Memory (promoting understanding about the peace history and its connection to the "thread of democracy" of Korea)

Forward Into Light (promoting understanding about the linkages between the international women's equality movement and the Peace Through Law Movements)

Think We Must (promoting understanding about peace culture of Hiroshima and its connection to the development of international law and ethics)

The Virtues of Peace Podcast (launched on May 18, 2020, the original "Peace Day" celebrating the opening of the 1899 Hague Peace Conference). This series of dialogues focuses on the personalities, ideas and institutions of the Peace through Law Movement. Available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts and other major podcast providers.

Memory Parlors where we gather to connect fragmented narratives"of peace and justice history under the protection and shelter of beauty.

Please consider a charitable donation to support this work. To donate, visit the
support page here.

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Raising the Peace Flag at the Peace Palace under the auspices of the Pro Concordia Labor Initiative.

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Sandra Weber, author of The Woman Suffrage Statue, speaks at our 2021 Memory Parlor, organized under the auspices of the Forward Into Light Initiative.

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The 2017 Master Class, organized under the auspices of the Bertha von Suttner Project Initiative.

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The Universal Peace Badge created under the auspices of the Pro Concordia Labor Initiative.

The "Treasure Box" created for the Forward Into Memory Initiative

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